How to utilize citrus peels in everyday cooking

Citrus peels can add a burst of flavor and aroma to various dishes. Here are some ways to utilize citrus peels in everyday cooking 

Zesting: Use a fine grater or zester to remove the colored part of the peel (zest) from citrus fruits like lemons, limes, oranges, or grapefruits. Zest adds intense flavor and aroma to dishes without the bitterness of the pith. 

Infusions: Infuse oils, vinegars, or syrups with citrus peels. Simply place the peels in a jar with the desired liquid and let it sit for a few days to impart the citrus flavor. Use these infused liquids in dressings, marinades, or sauces. 

Candied Citrus Peel: Boil citrus peels in sugar water until they become translucent, then coat them in sugar to create candied citrus peel. Use these sweet and tangy peels as a garnish for desserts or chop them up and add them to baked goods like cakes and cookies. 

Flavoring Salts or Sugars: Mix finely grated citrus zest with salt or sugar to create flavored salts or sugars. Use these to season dishes or as toppings for cookies, muffins, or cocktails. 

Citrus Butter or Ghee: Mix citrus zest into softened butter or ghee, then refrigerate or freeze it. This flavored butter can be used on toast, in cooking, or as a topping for grilled vegetables or seafood. 

Marinades and Rubs: Add grated citrus zest to marinades or rubs for meats, fish, or tofu. It provides a refreshing tang and aroma that enhances the flavors of the dish. 

Enhancing Beverages: Add citrus zest to teas, cocktails, or homemade fruit juices to impart a bright, citrusy flavor. 

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