Gorgeous-leafed plants for your indoor garden

Calathea (Calathea spp.): – Calatheas are known for their vibrant and patterned foliage. Varieties like Calathea orbifolia, Calathea lancifolia (Rattlesnake Plant), and Calathea zebrina (Zebra Plant) have unique leaf patterns that can add a touch of exotic beauty to your indoor space.


Ficus elastica (Rubber Plant): – The Rubber Plant has large, glossy leaves that come in various shades of green. It's a relatively easy-to-care-for plant and can make a bold statement in any room.


Maranta leuconeura (Prayer Plant): – The Prayer Plant has striking patterned leaves that fold upward in the evening, resembling hands in prayer. It comes in different varieties with various leaf colors and patterns.


Alocasia spp. (Elephant Ear or African Mask Plant): – Alocasia plants have large, heart-shaped or arrowhead leaves that can be incredibly ornamental. Alocasia Polly and Alocasia Amazonica are popular varieties.


Philodendron spp.: – Philodendrons come in various shapes and sizes, but many have attractive and deeply lobed leaves. Philodendron Birkin, Philodendron Pink Princess, and Philodendron Moonlight are a few examples.


Fittonia spp. (Nerve Plant): – Nerve Plants are known for their striking veins that create a net-like pattern on the leaves. They come in various colors, including green, red, and pink.


Dieffenbachia spp. (Dumb Cane): – Dieffenbachias have large, broad leaves with interesting patterns. They are available in various cultivars with different leaf colors and variegation.


Caladium spp. (Angel Wings or Elephant Ear): – Caladiums have heart-shaped leaves with vibrant patterns and colors, making them an eye-catching addition to any indoor garden.


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