Constipation: What exactly is splinting, and does it have any effect on the difficulties that frequently accompany constipation?

Constipation causes dry, hard-to-pass stools and less than three bowel motions per week. Constipation can be addressed early to avoid chronic consequences. Early therapies include consuming fibers and drinking extra water, but sometimes the problem is too advanced.

Although controllable, constipation should be regarded an issue from the start. When you strain to pass feces, your constipation has advanced. Long-term straining can induce hemorrhoids and anal fissures by expanding anus veins. Hardened feces can become lodged in the intestines and cause rectal prolapse if not emptied frequently.

Feeling like you haven't emptied your bladder completely is the first sign; additional signs include firm, dry stool and unpleasant bowel movements. Constipation can also cause foul breath in certain people.

Many attribute constipation to poor diet, but not everyone does. Constipation can also be caused by colon or rectum obstructions, neurological issues, pelvic muscle weakness, diabetes, hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, and pregnancy.

Constipation in women is usually caused by vaginal prolapse, when the vaginal walls descend toward the entrance. In rectocele, the front wall of the rectum bulges into the rear wall of the vagina. This frequently follows delivery. Many rectocele instances are caused by persistent straining. Rectocele causes constipation by preventing feces from passing smoothly.

This disorder causes difficulties passing feces, hence techniques that help bowel movement are important. Besides tracking roughage intake, one should keep a bowel movement clock. Physical activity also helps constipation.

Splinting or perianal pressure helps feces leave the anal canal. Stool is expelled by pressing on the vaginal-rectum wall or perineum. Up to 30% of women utilize this practice to occasionally aid bowel motions, according to Michigan Health.

If you struggle to pass feces, consider splinting. Insert your lubricated finger inside your vagina and press the anus wall. This would expel feces from your anal canal.

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