Tender breasts, acne, and severe mood swings are among the most frequent symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, which may be quite challenging. On top of that, you may have symptoms of bloating or heavyness, which can contribute to feelings of unease and diminished self-esteem.
One could expect to put on a few more pounds around the time their period starts since their bodies start to retain water. The issue, though, is: how much weight increase is considered typical?
Weight increase at this time is common for women, however the exact amount varies from one individual to the next. The extra weight will drop off within a few of days of your period starting. That being said, if you're worried about your weight changing around your period, here are five reasons why it happens and why it's OK.
Estrogen levels peak in the body during the middle of the menstrual cycle, causing fluid retention and, consequently, bloating and weight gain. Another hormone that peaks during the cycle is progesterone; like estrogen, it causes water retention, which in turn makes the breasts feel heavier and more tender.
When progesterone levels are high, you may discover that you eat more than you should and have an insatiable yearning for tasty foods. Hormones related to the menstrual cycle boost hunger, which in turn makes you want very salty or sugary foods.
If you're gaining weight because you eat too many sweet or salty foods, try swapping out those unhealthy selections with simpler carbohydrates.
It is common to feel sluggish and unmotivated in the days leading up to your period. Working out isn't something you're really enthusiastic about due to your irritability and exhaustion, but getting a sweat on now can help you lose that additional water weight. Though it's wise to take it easy on yourself when your body and mind are under so much stress, exercising again after a period is a great way to get back on track.
Caffeine cravings could strike during the hormonal upsurge just before your period begins. The allure of caffeine increases when you're tired, but too much caffeine too quickly might cause gas and bloating. Caffeine and carbonation in carbonated beverages satisfy the need to quench your thirst, but the extra sugars and artificial sweeteners they contain might make you put on the pounds.
Increased progesterone levels alleviate bloating caused by cravings by reducing the frequency and severity of gastrointestinal spasms. This could cause constipation, which probiotics could alleviate. Uneven weight gain or loss may be a result of these gastrointestinal issues, which may alter normal eating habits.