In Feng Shui, the money plant, also known as Epipremnum aureum or Devil's Ivy, is believed to bring positive energy, prosperity, and good luck. While the effectiveness of Feng Shui is subjective and based on personal beliefs, here are some commonly recommended places to keep a money plant for maximum wealth gain:
Wealth Area (Southeast): In Feng Shui, the southeast sector of your home is associated with wealth and abundance. Placing a money plant in this area is thought to enhance financial luck.
Office or Workspace: Keeping a money plant on your desk or in your office is believed to attract positive energy and wealth. It's often suggested to place it in the southeast corner of your office or desk for maximum impact.
Living Room: Placing a money plant in the living room, especially in the southeast corner, is said to encourage prosperity for the entire household.
Entrance: Some people believe that placing a money plant near the entrance of your home can invite positive energy and wealth into your life. However, avoid placing it directly in line with the main door.
North Area: While southeast is the primary wealth sector, the north area is also associated with career and path in life. Placing a money plant in the north is believed to bring opportunities for career advancement and financial success.
Cash Register or Financial Area: If you have a home office or a space where you manage your finances, placing a money plant there is thought to enhance financial luck.
Remember, while Feng Shui can be fun and interesting, it's important to approach it with an open mind and understand that individual beliefs and experiences may vary. There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that placing a specific plant in a particular area of your home will directly result in financial gain.